Czech Moodle Hackfest
Its less than a week till 16 of us (moodle developers) meet up in the Czech Republic for the first Moodle Hackfest!
I’m really excited, the opportunity to to hack and plan together is a unique opportunity and something we tend to miss at moots as we chat to fellow Moodlers and find out what our users are interested in, drink Mojitos and don’t get so much coding done!
I had hoped to spend a few weeks bug squashing, but sadly my life got in the way. :-(
In any case i’m very interested to hear what you love and hate about Moodle at the moment so the developer community can come up with ways to resolve your problems. If you hate moodle, please tell me why, how can we improve it?
ps. please keep your fingers crossed, I’ve spent months negotiating a new house which I am hoping to own the day I fly to prague!